понеделник, 7 януари 2013 г.

ARTON art therapy project for children with oncological and chronic blood diseases, Varna, Bulgaria.

ARTON is an innovation – it's the first in Bulgaria art therapy program, applied in the framework of our national hospitalization system and a personal achievement of the medical team of the Varna Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Clinic. The project specific purpose is to provide for sound psychic health and high quality of life of patients of 3 to 18, fighting oncological or chronic blood diseases, as well as of their families. As a medical team we believe that art therapy, as a form of relaxing therapy, can establish control on certain disease symptoms, emotions and other disorders during the treatment period and to assist the faster rehabilitation of the patients and their families at psychic as well as at physical level. The application of a strictly organized program of art therapeutic sessions conducted in parallel with the chemotherapeutic treatment, under the control and guidance of a clinical psychologist, is a highly specialized professional patient-oriented activity and it is a criterion for high quality of treatment and life with the disease. Every day of the week (Saturday and Sunday included), one of our artists visits the hospital and works with the children for two hours. The sessions are in the field of fine arts, sculpture, decorations, music. In parallel with the patient groups in the clinic operates an art therapy group 'for Mothers' whose goals are analogical to the goals of the patient groups i.e. the effect of relaxation, mobilization and stimulation of psychic energy and stability. In the conditions of grave and prolonged disease not only the patients are affected, the whole family is, and especially mothers. The goal of the team is to provide to every affected person durable and highly efficient psycho – emotional support. The company Taxback.com supports exclusively our project by funding the participation of two of the artists. With voluntary donations the team of the clinic in collaboration with many friends is trying to secure for the children and their mothers the presence of the rest of the artists for the weekly schedule, as well as the provision of additional materials for the sessions.

The ARTON project has the particular goal to achieve sound psychic health and high quality of life for the patients and their families by:

 -          Creation of complete weekly schedule for art therapeutic sessions which include the participation of artists from different arts – music, fine arts, sculpture, decorations, needlework, sewing and hand knitting, etc.

-          Holding an annual exhibition with auction of works from the ending year, aiming at the popularization of children’s art in a hospital environment and accumulation of funds for the continuation of the project.

-          'Trade mark' – making of particular artifacts whose logo and appearance shall become a trade mark of the ARTON project in the clinic and shall be distributed in order to disseminate the patients’ message.

-          'Hand in hand' – initiative of the program which consists in sending presents from the art sessions to patients of related organizations, pediatric clinics, friends from Bulgaria and all over the world.

-        Annual issuance of an ARTON calendar, dedicated to and showing the works of children in hospital conditions.
-          Organisation of an annual ball of sponsors – on one and the same date every year with wide media coverage. This is a social event where the achieved goals of the program are presented, the financial framework for the previous year is accounted for and awards are given to distinguished sponsors and collaborators.

In order the ARTON project to develop and expand in the Varna Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Clinic we are in need of funds for fees for the artists who work with the patients, as well as for materials for the art sessions.  

Associate Prof. Valeriya Kaleva, PhD Med Sc, Head of Clinic

Svetlana Chivganova, clinical psychologist

ARTON Program
'Sveta Marina' Hospital, 6th
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Clinic
'Hristo Smirnenski' Blvd, №1
9010 VARNA

UniCredit Bulbank
IBAN  BG08 UNCR 7000 1520 7962 87

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